18:27:022024-10-14 10:57:41AFC Circular: Redefining Sustainability Through Simplicity in Packaging 13:34:362024-09-16 10:37:44AFC CIRCULAR: Leading the Charge Against PFAS Contamination with Sustainable Textile Innovation官網用-01-scaled.jpg25602560Service/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/AFC_logo-1.pngService2024-07-05 10:42:402024-07-05 10:42:40The Environmental Challenge of AFC: Changing for the Future官網用_工作區域-1-scaled.jpg25602560Service/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/AFC_logo-1.pngService2024-06-24 17:42:052024-06-24 17:42:05AFC’s Commitment to Sustainability under the Eco-design for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) 19:10:202024-06-24 15:08:02European Comission‘s Roadmap for Circular Textile and AFC’s Advocating for Global Change 17:09:342024-04-16 17:09:34Graphene: From High-Tech Labs to Your Wardrobe! The Textile Industry’s Revolution 15:32:102022-12-09 18:20:46【Cleanroom Technology】:Nuevo descubrimiento de dust-free: paño sin polvo adicto a la moda 11:06:552022-09-02 11:24:59Wear Graphene May Double the Heat! 10:18:362022-08-11 10:20:40More comfortable than your sleepwear-AFC® Cleanroom Undergarment fabrics 14:48:432022-04-20 14:48:43Los detalles invisibles que determinan la calidad de la ropa de sala limpia 17:27:532021-12-01 17:29:37AFC Addresses WFH Health Issues and Paradigm Shifts 10:28:012021-12-01 16:52:00【Cleanroom Technology】Antibacterial finishing in cleanroom workwear should be widely adopted after 2021 16:36:282021-09-29 10:18:24How COVID-19 is Pushing Hospitals to Reduce Waste
AFC Circular: Transforming Cleanroom Wipes into a Sustainable Future
AFC Circular: Pioneering Sustainability with 100% Pre-Consumer Virgin Textile Waste
AFC Circular: Redefining Sustainability Through Simplicity in Packaging
AFC Circular: Breakthrough in Textile Sustainability
AFC CIRCULAR: Leading the Charge Against PFAS Contamination with Sustainable Textile Innovation
AFC’s Environmental Commitment: Reducing Wastewater in Textiles
AFC’s Environmental Commitment: ISO 14064-1 Certification and Carbon Reduction Success
Closing the Loop: Achieving True Circularity in Technical Textiles
The Environmental Challenge of AFC: Changing for the Future
AFC’s Commitment to Sustainability under the Eco-design for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR)
European Comission‘s Roadmap for Circular Textile and AFC’s Advocating for Global Change
Taiwan’s Transformation and AFC’s Evolution in Sustainable Technical Textiles
Event Recommendation: Join the European Commission’s Textile Ecosystem Stakeholder Event
Graphene: From High-Tech Labs to Your Wardrobe! The Textile Industry’s Revolution
【Cleanroom Technology】:Nuevo descubrimiento de dust-free: paño sin polvo adicto a la moda
¿Usar demasiado dificulta su trabajo?
Wear Graphene May Double the Heat!
AFC Workwear Hits The Catwalk!
More comfortable than your sleepwear-AFC® Cleanroom Undergarment fabrics
Los detalles invisibles que determinan la calidad de la ropa de sala limpia
AFC Addresses WFH Health Issues and Paradigm Shifts
【Cleanroom Technology】Antibacterial finishing in cleanroom workwear should be widely adopted after 2021
How COVID-19 is Pushing Hospitals to Reduce Waste
貿易局攜手紡拓會 擬計畫助業者開拓國際商機
經濟部國際貿易局委託紡拓會執行的109年度「紡織品整合行銷與商機開發計畫」,日前在紡拓大樓17樓會議室舉辦成果發表會。成果發表會中除由紡拓會執行團隊說明計畫成果及現場靜態展示受輔導廠商執行成果外,也分別由晶安公司、仁美商標及豪紳纖維3家企業代表親自分享寶貴的行銷經驗。同場並邀請數位行銷專家-麥肯廣告公司張志浩執行長以「後疫情時代運用數位行銷開創商機」為題發表演說,現場參加人潮踴躍、氣氛熱絡。 豪紳相當榮幸可以與業界先進分享心得,也很開心可以了解其他廠商的寶貴行銷經驗,期許未來透過此計畫,讓更多紡織業者能運用此資源! 完整報導: